How to Buy Shoes from a Health and Well-Being Perspective
Human beings ultimately wear shoes for one reason: to protect the feet. Wearing shoes is really a health and well-being thing despite all the emphasis we put in style and fashion. This is not to say that style and fashion are bad things. They are not. But when buying new shoes, it is best to start by approaching things from the health and well-being perspective.
Buying shoes with the main emphasis being on how they affect your health reduces the chances that you will buy a pair you will ultimately end up regretting. When you find a pair that is both good for your feet and simultaneously stylish, go ahead and invest in a pair of GC Tech waterproof overshoes to protect your purchase. Whatever you do, don’t buy shoes just because they look good.
1. Buy from a Shoe Store
Buying cheaper shoes at a department store can be attractive when you don’t have a lot of money to spend. But according to a 2015 report from Harvard Medical School, it’s important to have your feet measured every time you buy new shoes. The only way to do that is to buy from a shoe store.
Having your feet measured is important to your health and well-being. It ensures that you end up with a pair of shoes that fit the way they are supposed to. If you don’t have your feet measured, you are really taking a guess as to the correct size for your feet.
2. Go Shopping in the Afternoon
Interestingly enough, the Harvard report recommends shopping for shoes in the afternoon. As the thinking goes, your feet naturally swell as the day goes on. By early to mid-afternoon, your feet will have expanded as much as they will under normal conditions. The shoes you purchase should be big enough to comfortably accommodate your feet at this peak time of the day.
3. Be Cognizant of Toe Space
Ideally, you should stand in a pair of shoes and walk around a bit before choosing whether to buy. When doing so, be cognizant of the amount of space there is between your longest toe and the inside edge of the shoe. You need at least a quarter inch of space to give your feet enough room to move. A half-inch could be better for some types of shoes, but not for others.
Along those same lines, walking around in a pair of shoes will tell you if they are too loose, too tight, etc. It is important to avoid the temptation of thinking that uncomfortable shoes just need to be broken in. If they do not fit well at the store, they probably never will.
4. Ensure a Proper Stride
The most important of all these tips is to make sure that whatever pair of shoes you choose to buy accommodates a proper stride. In other words, you should be able to roll your foot from heel to ball with every step you take. If a particular pair of shoes prevents what is known as the strike-and-roll stride, they will not be good for your feet.
Unfortunately, that eliminates a lot of the shoes we buy simply for fashion’s sake. But if health and well-being is your priority – and it should be – there are certain kinds of shoes that should never go on your feet.
One other thing to note is that the combination of foot health and how you walk affects other parts of your body. Maintaining good foot health is worthwhile because it carries over to your general health and well-being.